Making bright and successful futures a reality for all learners
Making bright and successful futures a reality for all learners
TMP prioritises the safeguarding of each and every learner with the utmost professionalism. We follow the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidelines and attend regular updates and training regarding Safeguarding and Prevent to ensure we are aware of current local and national risks, particularly to young people.
If you have any concerns about a child you can contact the designated safeguarding lead or you can make a referral yourself.
Reporting concerns about a child
If you are a parent or carer you can report it via this link:
I’m a child and I’m being abused or am worried about my safety click on this link
I’m a professional and work with children and have concerns about a child, report it via this link
This link contains the thresholds of need document.
Click here for the thresholds of need document.
Safeguarding and welfare
All staff receive regular updates on child protection and safe guarding via weekly briefings, staff meetings, email and training. All staff are aware of the schools safeguarding and child protection procedures and reporting expectations.
TMP has a well-established pastoral concern system, this allows the recording of pastoral and safeguarding concerns via a safeguarding log. The pastoral team work with a wide range of external agencies to provide support for learners and their families.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Julie Bebe (Wigan)
Katie McKnight (Wigan)
Jennifer Speed (Pemberton)
Kim Pulman (Pemberton)
Joanne Wale
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Jackie Manning
Martin Heaton
First Aid officials
Thomas Manning
Martin Heaton
Kev McCarthy
Connor Hughes
Kai Kirk
Medicine Administration
Kev McCarthy
Connor Hughes
Kai Kirk
Joanne Blackledge
Jo Wale
Jess Murphy
Georgia McCloughlin
Will Watts
Ayesha Morris
Fire Marshalls
Kevin McCarthy
Thomas Manning
Liam Shaw
Kai Kirk
Cheryl Lynch
Goergia McCloughlin
Connor Hughes
Tayla Cottom
Colin Foster
Joseph Kirkbride
Wendy Shaw
TMP College are delighted to be hosting our first Taster Evenings of 2025 on 5th February & 30th April from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.
Call us on 01942 235 999 to reserve your place now or, alternatively, email us via the link below.