Making bright and successful futures a reality for all learners
Making bright and successful futures a reality for all learners
If you would like any further information, please contact (Careers Lead) or 01942 212607
Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
As a college, we aim to have a uniform approach to careers, education, information, advice and guidance. Many of our staff team are industry specialists who have the broadest knowledge and guidance. From the day every student joins TMP, we aim to empower our students, and provide them the right information to ensure that they reach their full potential. We aim to allow our students to make informed choices, and have the confidence, as they transition into employment, further education, or training. We use a person centred approach, to encourage them to believe they can explore the career they are aspiring towards.
How will we achieve this?
What are Gatsby Benchmarks?
There are eight Gatsby Benchmarks that identify the different dimensions of good career guidance.
TMP Career Plan / Our Curriculum Offer:
For further information please visit:
Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
RARPA (Recognising and recording progress and achievement) - Natspec
TMP College are delighted to be hosting our first Taster Evenings of 2025 on 5th February & 30th April from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.
Call us on 01942 235 999 to reserve your place now or, alternatively, email us via the link below.